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Become a Referee

Becoming a Referee

If interested in becoming a referee for our in-house program please fill out the following google form. Once filled out someone from CPYS referee crew will reach out within two business days.

If you have any questions feel free to send us a email at:


Is there a age requirement?

- Must be at least 12 years or older to be assigned to a game.

What equipment is needed?
Note: A lot of of these items cannot be purchased at a local store.

  • Yellow referee shirt
  • Flags. Used by assistant referee "AR" in U10/U12 games.
  • Watch with a timer function (not cell phone)
  • Black knee high socks
  • Black shorts (or dark colored)
  • Black or dark colored shoes
  • Whistle
  • Flipping coin
  • Data wallet (yellow / red card)
  • Pocket notepad. (For U7/U8 and above. Winner of the coin toss. For keeping track of scores. For in-house we only keep track of U10-U12 scores.)

Is training required?
- Yes, we have in person training before the spring and fall season. Once in our system we will notify you of the upcoming training.

How often do I require to get training?
- Once a year to recertificate. We do have a refresher course before each season as well.  

What are the available referee positions?
- Central referee: This the main referee for the game
- Assistant referee: Assistant to the central referee for U10 and U12 that makes out of bounds, offside and fouls calls. 

What type of referee system do we run?
- One referee system (one whistle)
- The “diagonal system” with one referee and two assistant referees.
Can I referee travel games also?
- Yes, many of our in-house referees are also travel refs. 

What rule book do we use?
- Say Soccer rule book.
- Note: we do override some of the rules to make the game experience better. Please reference the "Rules of Games" to see what overrides we apply.

Referee assignment options.

 One central referee per field. If no referee is assigned the coach will referee the game.
7/8 One central referee
10 One central referee and two assistant referees
12 One central referee and two assistant referees


Field Status

Open Open

Crown Point Lemon Lake County Park (10:52 AM | 04/17/24)

Open Open

Keller Park - CP Practice Fields (10:25 PM | 04/07/24)

Open Open

Erlenbach Park (U14/U12) - CP Practice Fields (10:12 PM | 01/25/24)

Open Open

OLD Taft Middle School fields (U8) - CP Practice Fields (10:24 PM | 04/07/24)